God reveals to us and communicates with us continuously through persons, works and situations. The word of God comes gently and is never intended to remain suspended like clouds in midair, but to soak the earth and to be drawn back toward God after completing its purpose. The Word of God is eternal Word without beginning or end.
One of the hidden gifts of youth is the ability to listen from your heart.Your might call to be the most successful human bring. Your heart might invite you be the rich man/woman in the world with many powers. But some where, somehow, there are gentle calls that many Vietnamese girls might have experienced: Calls to surrender of her own self, calls to listen God’s desires might be. From challenges as well as many sacrifices, these college students would one day become sisters to dedicate their life to share love to the lonely and suffering, to regain human dignity to many that have been lost. The sisters also might bring a little bowl of rice to a frail child who lost their parents since young. And they might warm the body, and feelings of a homeless in one winter cold night. A little morning light of hope! A gentle encouragement after many despairs moments. All are not easy to minister in a poor Viet Nam country, but following God’s invitation would never be an easy life.
In co-laboring with God in rebuilding religious orders, and revitalizing new hope to Viet Nam that might able to provide many witness to serve social ministries and justices, our staff listen and discern with superiors of novitiates to learn more what their needs might be. During these processes, Our group has been able to conduct retreats, one day of reflections, faith sharing toward college students at convents in Hue, Da Nang, Currently, many religious orders have financial needs to support formative programs of women and men to become sisters and priest.
If you would like to support the formative programs of women and men to become sisters and priests in Viet Nam, please contact us.
Name of the initiative: Formation Initiatives.
If you would like to support the evangelization of Viet Nam related to small group faith sharing, retreat, day of reflection, please contact us.
Name of the initiative: Evangelization Initiatives.